Primer project, third year initial installation in St. David's, Pembrokeshire.
St. David's is the smallest city in the UK and the population can double in summer months with tourists visiting. Tourism is one of the key factors to the city's economy and should be boosted whilst maintaining the atmosphere of the city.
The city is reliant on tourism through the summer season, with events held through the city to draw people in, creating an atmospheric space to host performances and attract visitors will increase the tourist industry. This space will also extend the summer season and benefit the economy, whilst creating a statement entrance to the historic city.
"The wall will act as a statement piece landmark at the entrance to St. David’s, whilst encasing a flexible seating arena for performances. The design will be theatrical to compliment the function of the space, the experience of visitors should be atmospheric."

Expressing the surrounding opportunities and constraints of the site on the edge of the city.

Demonstrating the connection to site and the direct relation to the existing visitor centre.

Initial sketches of the atmospheric approach into the performance space.

Elevational relation to the existing stone wall and hotel gardens. Sectional relation to the visitor centre.

Key section through the entrance tunnel into the performance space, expressing the atmospheric impact on the visitor.

View on approach View from seating Entrance View from stage